
St总裁. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University

艾米·诺瓦克,EdD,成为圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University on Aug. 7, 2021.

在博士. 诺瓦克's 领导, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 has implemented innovative technology in the classroom through augmented and virtual learning; has reimagined learning across one's lifespan, adding a host of certificate and online program opportunities; and has invested in partnerships with local and regional businesses to ensure students are equipped with the skills they need to be successful when entering the workplace upon graduation.

她的高等教育生涯始于她的家乡米切尔的达科他卫斯理大学, 南达科塔州, in 2003. Before entering higher education, she worked in the private sector as she, 她的丈夫肯, 在肯在美国的职业生涯中,他们不断壮大的家庭走遍了全国和世界.S. 空军. 诺瓦克夫妇都是圣母大学的毕业生.

amy novak with students

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About the President


艾米C. 诺瓦克, EdD, became the 14th president of St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University on Aug. 7, 2021, and was inaugurated on Oct. 1, 2021, 接受她的委托,在邀请主题下关注包容性和协作, Come To The Table.

在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台,博士. 诺瓦克 has prioritized finding new and innovative models of teaching and learning as we enter a new era of work. 她正在与正规买球平台有哪些领袖合作,解决雇主的需求, 并庆祝该大学对天主教的历史承诺, 社会正义, 和服务.

Under her 领导, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 launched a new strategic plan, 敏捷可以买滚球的正规平台, 旨在为大学做好准备,以满足学习者一生中不断变化的需求. Dr. 诺瓦克的努力包括与企业合作,在课堂上试用XR技术, 推出圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University's Nano Nagle Online School of Nursing to support place-bound learners across America, 并获得资助,以支持基于工作的学习计划. These achievements have helped the university ensure learning remains relentlessly relevant while honoring the importance of cultivating skills embedded within the traditional liberal arts disciplines.

The university's recent enrollment growth and success in retention is a testimony to the development of an agile culture on the campus that embraces change and best practices in student learning and engagement.

2024年1月,该大学将开设希金斯创新和以人为本的设计厅. This learning laboratory will transform how we educate and deliver a customized experience for our students, creating a person-centered delivery model for higher education that prepares our learners for the next generation of work and community service.

在创新峰会等活动中. 诺瓦克召集了来自中西部各地的商业和正规买球平台有哪些领袖, 帮助指导她对大学未来的愿景吗. In the initial summit, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(可以买滚球的正规平台 University)就如何让学生做好迎接商业挑战的准备征求意见, 行业, 以及非营利组织在人类工作新时代的需求. The most recent summit focused on fostering a growth mindset around learning that is developed in the classroom and built for the workplace.

诺瓦克 earned a Doctor of Education degree in interdisciplinary 领导 from Creighton University in 2014, 1997年获得莱特州立大学社会与应用经济学理学硕士学位, 1993年获得圣母大学历史学学士学位.

Dr. 诺瓦克是一位热情的学生倡导者,经常就创新问题发表讲话, workforce development, 领导, 和信仰. 她担任NAIA主席委员会主席,并积极参与国家事务, regional and local associations. 她和她的丈夫肯是八个孩子的父母,并且很高兴迎来了近三个孩子,000 other students to the St. 可以买滚球的正规平台表.

The President's Office


Officers of the Board
Renee Citera SAU 1981 -董事会临时主席,RGC咨询服务创始人
Laura ' Divot' Ekizian, 1992, 1997,董事会副主席,Quad City Bank总裁 & 信任
Paul Sachs, 1976年,Protiviti, Inc .董事会副主席,董事总经理.
艾米C. 诺瓦克, EdD - President, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University

Members of the Board
Brian Bassier 1991 -副总裁(首席财务官)和财务主管,山谷集团
John Bear SAU 1988, 1992 -退休首席技术官-制造美洲, Nestle Purina PetCare Co.
Tom Berthel SAU 1974, 1993 - Berthel Fisher首席执行官 & 公司
Ken Brune SAU 1967 - Lawyer, Brune Law Firm
Renee Citera SAU 1981 -创始人,RGC咨询服务
Phil Doherty SAU 1978 -退休高级副总裁/总经理兼首席财务官,芝加哥论坛报传媒集团
Divot (Laura) Ekizian SAU 1992, 1997 - Quad City Bank总裁 & 信任
Tom Higgins SAU 1967 - Prosetta Corporation的联合创始人和董事
Lyn Ketelsen SAU 1998 - KLK Leading Change, Inc .创始人.
Mark Kilmer - President & CEO, The Republic Companies
Sr. 维姬·拉森-演讲姐妹会的副会长, 圣母玛利亚的姐妹们
Brian Lemek SAU 1986 - Lemek, LLC的所有者/管理成员
Elizabeth Lemek SAU 1986 - Community Leader
Jerry Lyphout, 1983年,1991年-美国现代樵夫公司总裁兼首席执行官
Thomas Mason, IV SAU 1991 - Sr. Technical Sales Rep, RILCO Lubricants & 服务
Fr. Robert McAleer SAU 1967 - Retired Priest
艾米·诺瓦克,埃德 - President, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University
Joseph O'Rourke SAU 1972 - JRO Investments, LLC, O'Rourke Sales Co.
Paul Sachs SAU 1976 - Protiviti, Inc .董事总经理.
帕特里夏·斯奈德(Patricia Snyder), 1981年,沃尔玛副总裁,部门商品经理
Paul Thompson SAU 2002 -卡特彼勒公司部门首席财务官.
Breann Thompson SAU 2005 - Community Leader

Non-Voting Members 2021-2022:
Fr. Chuck Adam, Priest Representative
Kara Baker, St总裁aff Assembly
Dr. Kevin Lillis, Chair of Faculty Assembly

President's Cabinet

托比阿奎特, PhD托比阿奎特

Dr. Arquette joined St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 in 2022 as the Vice President for Communications and Marketing after having served in multiple roles over 15-years at Aurora University including as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & 商业,邓纳姆商学院院长 & 公共政策, Chair of the Department of Communication, and Director of the University Honors Program. 作为一名终身教职员工,阿奎特曾在奥罗拉担任教职参议院主席. 阿奎特大学是高等教育委员会机构认证组织Peer Corp的成员.

Arquette completed his BA in Economics at Wayne State University and MA in Communication Studies from Baylor University before earning a PhD in Communication from Northwestern University. Prior to entering higher education, 阿奎特曾在一家私营营销机构从事客户和客户管理工作. 阿奎特的专业领域是招生管理, strategic planning and growth, new academic program innovation, 数字通信和技术基础设施, integrated marketing communication, and consumer insights and analytics.  He also holds faculty rank as a professor.

Vice President, Institutional 进步

安妮·甘纳韦负责管理大学的进步和发展活动, including capital campaigns, 年度基金, 重要的礼物, planned estate giving, and alumni relations.

Gannaway began her career at SAU in 2012 serving 校友 and 进步 as the executive director. 在那之前很久, 然而, 甘娜薇已经非常熟悉可以买滚球的正规平台人的生活方式:她的父亲, 爱德华Henkhaus, 曾担任学校财务副校长多年. 甘娜薇在密苏里-哥伦比亚大学获得了高等教育硕士学位.

Gannaway is married to Ethan Gannaway who is a full professor-adjunct of history at SAU and the associate director of the Academy for the Study of Saint 可以买滚球的正规平台 of Milan. They have three boys.

乔RoidtJoseph Roidt, PhD
Vice President, Academic Affairs

Joseph Roidt joins St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University from Dakota Wesleyan University where he served as the chief academic officer for seven years. Prior to joining Dakota Wesleyan, 罗伊特曾担任多个学术领导职位, 包括副教务长和负责学术事务的副校长, 戴维斯分校 & Elkins College in West Virginia.

在他作为教务长和负责学术事务的副校长的角色中. 可以买滚球的正规平台, 罗伊特负责该大学的学术项目, 图书馆, and several other academic areas.

Roidt earned his bachelor's degree in sociology from Kent State University and completed his PhD in sociology at the University of Pittsburgh.

迈克的海报Michael Poster '88
Vice President, Finance

迈克·Poster是达文波特人,毕业于St. 1988年获得可以买滚球的正规平台会计学学士学位. His professional career experience includes three years with KPMG and 17 years with McGladrey and Pullen, 主要从事保险和财务管理咨询工作. 在此期间,他与许多高等教育客户合作.

Poster joined the administrative staff of St. 可以买滚球的正规平台,2008年. He manages the general accounting, 人力资源, 物理设施, 学生账户, and information technology offices. He also oversees the compliance area, 大学的书店运营(通过福莱特高等教育集团), and the food service (through Sodexo). He is on the board of Family Resources and the Downtown Davenport Partnership and serves as the chair of the finance committee for both organizations. Poster和他的妻子Kelly有一个儿子和两个女儿.

克里斯•沃Christopher Waugh, PhD
Vice President, Student Engagement

Christopher Waugh is St. 可以买滚球的正规平台负责学生活动的第一副校长. 在他的角色中, Waugh oversees student services, including housing and residence life, the counseling center, and student activities, 等. 与负责学术事务的副校长密切合作, 沃负责为所有学生培养全面的体验.

Waugh joined SAU in 2019 as dean of students and associate vice president for academic and student affairs. Before joining St. 可以买滚球的正规平台, 他曾担任克莱蒙特波莫纳学院学生事务办公室副主任, 加州.

Waugh earned his bachelor's degree in English and visual communication and his Master of Arts in counseling from Northern Illinois University. In 2011, 沃在芝加哥洛约拉大学完成了高等教育管理博士学位, 他还带领研究生水平的实习团队. His research and educational interests focus on engaging bystanders to help mitigate dangerous drinking situations. 沃的妻子克里斯蒂娜是一名健康教育工作者. Kristina and Christopher have one son, Simon.


牧师. Aloysius Joseph Schulte, 1882-1891
舒尔特是麦克马伦主教任命的第一位牧师. 任命后, Schulte worked as a cathedral assistant for a few years before he was slated by McMullen to organize St. 可以买滚球的正规平台. 学校第一年有40名高中生,他离开时有85名学生. During Schulte's presidency, 可以买滚球的正规平台大厅的中心部分和塔楼建成, 虽然可以买滚球的正规平台大厅最初只有两层楼高. 离开St后. 在可以买滚球的正规平台,舒尔特在爱荷华市担任牧师.

牧师. John Thomas Aloysius Flannagan, 1891-1906
Flannagan was born in Haverville, 麻萨诸塞州, 他是舒尔特担任校长期间第二位牧师. While being president of the school, Flannagan's sister Editha ran the Immaculate Conception Academy. 两人一起在许多学校间的活动中合作. 弗拉纳根在校园里推广男孩唱诗班和拉丁语, 并在总统任期结束后去了圣心教区. He died January 26, 1926.

牧师. William Shannahan, 1906-1915
被称为“大比尔”的沙纳罕生于1870年2月2日,在爱荷华州威廉斯堡长大. He was the college's first captain of the football team, and graduated from the institution in 1896. 在担任第三任校长之前,他曾在哲学系工作. 在他任期内, the east wing of 可以买滚球的正规平台大厅 was built, which contained an auditorium, 教室, and living quarters. 离开St后. 可以买滚球的正规平台, Shannahan pastored in Iowa City, 直到1932年,他被任命为达文波特教区的圣心牧师和副主教. He died October 22, 1937.

牧师. William Hannon, 1915-1926
William Hannon was born March 21, 1879. He graduated from St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 in 1901. He was ordained in June of 1903 and taught English and history at the school from 1904 until 1912. In 1912 he was named vice president, which he served until 1915 when he took over the presidency. 汉农领导了第一次20万美元的捐赠活动,并监督了第一个健身房的建设.

牧师. Ulrich Hauber, 1926-1930
1885年6月28日出生于德国巴伐利亚,毕业于圣. 1905年的可以买滚球的正规平台. After his ordination in 1908, Hauber joined the faculty, which he served as a member of for 48 years. 作为一名全国知名的生物学家,豪伯是许多教科书、小册子和文章的作者. 在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, 在成为第五任校长之前,豪伯是自然科学部的主席. He died July 1, 1956, and was the first person to be laid to rest in the Chapel of Christ the King.

牧师. Martin Cone, 1930-1937
科恩是爱荷华州克林顿人,曾是一名社会工作者,在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台当了16年总统. He is credited with building the faculty, 当时牧师每月的教学工资是15美元. Cone还在校园里开设了暑期课程. 离任后,他被任命为圣心大教堂的牧师, and Vicar General of the Diocese of Davenport.

牧师. Carl Meinberg, 1937-1940
迈因伯格1889年1月11日出生于爱荷华州的基奥卡克,1911年毕业于该学院. He became a member of the St. 可以买滚球的正规平台教师后,他在1914年的任命,持有各种职位的校园. In his early years, Meinburg served as the head of 图书馆, 同时也是合唱团和管弦乐队的指挥. 他在宗教系和西班牙语系任教, and eventually became the head of the history department and the campus spiritual director before becoming the seventh president of the institution.

牧师. 可以买滚球的正规平台 Burke, 1940-1956
可以买滚球的正规平台·伯克是一位拥有耶鲁大学博士学位的英国可以买滚球的正规平台. 在他任期内 as president, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台建造了一座行政大楼和基督国王教堂. Dealing with many issues surrounding the war, 伯克的招生人数暂时达到了1500到1600人的高峰. 一度, 伯克还在全国广播公司的《可以买滚球的正规平台》节目中发表了三集的系列节目, “圣人, the Universal Vocation.他离开了圣。. 可以买滚球的正规平台 after being appointed to St. Mary's Parish in Clinton, Iowa.

牧师. William Collins, 1956-1963
自从威廉·柯林斯在海军服役以来,他就被称为“水手比尔”. 可以买滚球的正规平台's ninth president. 柯林斯来自爱荷华州的米勒斯堡,毕业于圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台在被任命之前已经在该学院工作了27年. 在成为校长之前,他是商学院和经济系的系主任. 希望学校能在财政上重回正轨, 柯林斯提高了学费,暂时放弃了足球项目. 在他的任期内,东厅(Rohlman)建成. 柯林斯活跃于美国退伍军人协会,并帮助成立了世界事务委员会.

牧师. Sebastian Menke, 1964-1973
门克生于1910年12月21日,毕业于圣. 1934年,可以买滚球的正规平台. 1938年受祝圣后,门克回到圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台教授拉丁语、德语、希腊语、古代历史和天文学. He then became the rector for East Hall. 门克担任校长时,私立大学正处于困境之中. During his presidency, South Hall (Cosgrove), 海斯厅, 艺术大楼也都建成了. 离开总统职位后,门克成为圣心教区的牧师. He died April 21, 2002.

Dr. William Bakrow, 1973-1987
威廉·巴克罗出生在堪萨斯州,但在他一个月大的时候就搬到了纽约的罗切斯特. He received a doctorate in public administration and education from Indiana University at Bloomingtom. 人们给他起了一个友好的绰号“美元钞票”," since he wiped out a $2 million debt, doubled enrollment, 连续八年实现预算平衡. Under his presidency St. 可以买滚球的正规平台冒险进入MBA课程的研究生学习. 巴克罗是第一个在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台. He died March 17, 2005.

Dr. Edward Rogalski, 1987-2007
Edward Rogalski came to St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 as dean of students in 1968. From 1974 to 1980, Rogalski was St. 可以买滚球的正规平台's vice president for administration, and from 1981 to 1986, the institution's senior vice president. 他在1987年被任命为总统时担任执行副总裁. 在罗加尔斯基任职期间,该大学的总招生人数增加了70%以上, added nearly 40 additional academic programs, conferred more than 11,000年学士, master's and doctoral degrees, and completed 15 new construction or major renovation capital projects totaling more than $67 million.

Joan Lescinski修女CSJ,博士,2007-2021年
Sister Joan Lescinski served the final 14 years of a half-century-long career in Catholic higher education as president of St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 University. Under her 领导, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 added dozens of new academic programs, seven new or renovated academic buildings, two additional residence halls, 11个校队体育项目配备了新的和改进的设施. 80年,000 square foot Wellness and Recreation Center is the most prominent of those brick-and-mortar projects and the largest capital project in University history. Also during her tenure, 大学的捐赠增加了两倍,学术奖学金增加了一倍多. 琼修女骨子里是个英语教授,她在职业生涯的每一站都教书. 可以买滚球的正规平台包括. She is a native of Albany, N.Y.在那里,她进入了圣. Joseph Carondelet at age 18 and earned her undergraduate degree in English and a master’s in English Literature from the College of St. 玫瑰. Sister Joan came to St. 可以买滚球的正规平台在2007年担任圣. 从1998年到2007年在印第安纳州的伍兹学院学习.


Jana Seutter, MBA '20, Senior Assistant 

金正日Raap, Executive Assistant 


President Amy 诺瓦克

Office of the President
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
Davenport, IA 52803


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